📄️ Configuration
ContractCase accepts configuration parameters in the defineContract and verifyContract DSL functions.
📄️ ContractCase Example Types
This document describes the different ContractCase Example types, and which lifecycle steps apply to each.
🗃️ Test Equivalence Matchers
9 items
📄️ Writing state handlers
Like triggers, not all example types need state handlers during
📄️ Triggers and response tests
If ContractCase needs to invoke your code during a test, then you will need to define a trigger, and either a testResponse or testErrorResponse function.
📄️ Command Line Interface (CLI)
ContractCase has a CLI that can be used to interact with a contract broker (such as the Pact or Pactflow brokers).
📄️ API design guidelines
While ContractCase is in beta, some of the documentation is incomplete or bullet points only.
🗃️ Plugin Framework
3 items