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Creating a contract

Here's the contract testing lifecycle:

  1. Define a contract (this section)

    1. Define examples
    2. Run tests to confirm the examples are correct
    3. Upload contracts to a broker
  2. Verify the contract:

    1. Download contract from the broker
    2. Verify the contract
    3. Publish verification result to the broker

To create a contract

In ContractCase, a contract starts with a defineContract call. This can be configured with a ContractCaseConfig object (see the configuration options reference here).

For example, defining a contract might look like:

import {
} from '@contract-case/contract-case-jest';

/* The name of the service writing the contract */
consumerName: 'Example-Client',
/* The name of the service that will verify the contract */
providerName: 'Example-Server',
/* Any additional ContractCaseConfig goes here */
(contract: ContractCaseDefiner) => {
describe('some API method', () => {
describe('with a valid access token', () => {
it('behaves as expected', async () => {
await contract.runExample(
/* described later in this chapter */

describe('with no access token', () => {
it('throws an error', async () => {
await contract.runRejectingExample(
/* described later in this chapter */
/* arbitrary other contract examples */

In a contract, you can have as many runExample and runRejectingExample calls as you like. When all the tests are over, ContractCase will write the contract to disk (this is handle automatically by the defineContract DSL).


If you are coming from other contract testing frameworks like Pact, be aware that a Consumer is ContractCase is not always a synonym for "client", and provider is not always a synonym for "server". For example, you might be writing the contract on the server side, which means you are defining the consumer of HTTP requests, not the consumer of responses.

Next, we will discuss the ContractCase Example Lifecycle.