Verifying Contracts
Once you've written your contract, you'll want to verify it against the provider.
Downloading contracts to verify
To verify a contract, you will need to download contracts first:
npx @contract-case/cli download-contracts "$YOUR_SERVICE_NAME"
Alternatively, it can be used directly in a script in your package.json:
"pretest": "ContractCase download-contracts \"$YOUR_SERVICE_NAME\""
Note that currently the downloader only downloads contracts with the following selectors:
mainBranch: true,
deployedOrReleased: true,
{ latest: true },
The downloaded contracts will be in ./temp-contracts
Verifying a contract
Depending on what is in your contract, you may need to set triggers or state handlers.
If you need to set these, and don't, then ContractCase will fail with a configuration error.
providerName: YOUR_SERVICE_NAME,
contractDir: './temp-contracts', // The downloader can currently only download contracts to `temp-contracts`
(verifier) => {
// perform any setup
// Start your service here (if necessary)
verifier.runVerification(/* any additional config eg triggers or state handlers goes in here */);
- By default, verification results are uploaded to a broker if the broker access tokens and baseUrl are set and the run is in CI. Set the option
publish: true
orpublish: false
to override this - By default, verification failures will not throw errors. This can be overridden with
throwOnFail: true
in the options. - You will need to add deployment checks before you get the deployment safety